
Ways to explore a new phrase

So, you have found a new phrase and you kind of understand it but want to find out more. Well, in this post I will show our favourite ways to explore a new piece of vocabulary.

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A great first place to explore a new phrase is google news.


Another tab to open is YouGlish

TV Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson tells the interview that sometimes she feels she gets stuck in a rut when trying to find new recipe ideas.

TV Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson tells the interview that sometimes she feels she gets stuck in a rut when trying to find new recipe ideas.

To get more technical create an account at corpus.byu.edu

Notice how you can 'get' stuck in a rut. Or the verb 'be' - Are you stuck in a rut?. Someone 'feels' like they are stuck in a rut.

Notice how you can 'get' stuck in a rut. Or the verb 'be' - Are you stuck in a rut?. Someone 'feels' like they are stuck in a rut.

For popular culture references it's great to turn to song lyrics and film scripts. Metro Lyrics and QuoDB


If you have got stuck in a rut with your language learning then we hope these tools can help you get out of it.